Sunday, April 17, 2011
First Car In.........Little GTO

Elvis Stopped by to spin the tunes and was joined by the Mayor

54 degrees with a 25 mile an hour wind is this spring? Beginning to think the only thing that the weather knows is "rain, wind & cold". Well, guess we shouldn't complain to loudly at least the sun was out.

We would like to thank everyone those who brought their cars and those that came out to see the cars that came out Friday night despite the weather for our first "Cruise Night of 2011". Hope everyone had a good time and we looking forward to our next one which will be Friday May 20th., mark your calendars.

We started out simple this year with just the music, cars and you, however, we will be adding to it each month as well as changing up a bit. Like our store we try to keep it interesting. We are all ears as to ideas of different things that we should do our try, just drop us a note at .

We know if you have a car you have other freinds with cars so, if you like what we are doing spread the word the more cars and people we get the more we can do and do we will.


Linda and Jack

Smilin' Jake's